Leaping into the life of Christ together. Living for Jesus and making him known.

Recent Articles

Jul 13

Write your story

Francesca Battistelli is a young lady with a heart for God. She writes music to stir up the things of God in people seeking him as well as to edify the church. One of her more recent songs entitled  “ write your story” speaks powerfully to Christian and seeker alike. The choru... continue reading

Jul 10

The Glory of the Lord departs

Ezekiel was overwhelmed by a vision of God Almighty near a river in Babylon. What he saw initially was beyond human description and that was just the “lower half” of the sight before him. As his gaze slowly lifted above the beauty of what he first saw he noticed an ice like expanse an... continue reading

Jun 26

You are made in the image of God

  When God created the universe by speaking it into being he was pleased. When he made man out of the dust of this new earth and woman from the man’s bone he was especially delighted. We are told that both the man and the woman were made in the image of God. To come to terms wi... continue reading

Jun 4

Dealing with the inner Saducee

The religious people who blocked Jesus ministry had particular problems that if we are not careful we can fall into as well.  They were sincere enough and very committed to their understanding of scripture yet they stood totally in the way of God’s plan for their lives and for the whol... continue reading

May 3

Nero and the Frozen Lake

Nero was a Roman Emperor from 54 – 68 AD. He was into things cultural so had theatres built as well as promoting athletic games. He was Emperor when much of Rome was burnt to the ground and some even blamed it on him, which is likely considering his big plans to build a great palace called ... continue reading

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