Leaping into the life of Christ together. Living for Jesus and making him known.

Jul 10

The Glory of the Lord departs

Ezekiel was overwhelmed by a vision of God Almighty near a river in Babylon. What he saw initially was beyond human description and that was just the “lower half” of the sight before him. As his gaze slowly lifted above the beauty of what he first saw he noticed an ice like expanse and above that a throne like sapphire and seated on the throne was “ …a figure like a man” who could only be described in terms of glowing metal, intense fire and brilliant light. This was the Lord in all his glory. Ezekiel was so overcome by his own smallness he fell down with his face to the ground. The Lord though told Ezekiel to stand on his feet as he was about to be commission him to do a great and difficult work. He was given a scroll to eat which contained the words he was to proclaim to the “ rebellious house of Israel”. It tasted as sweet as honey in his mouth, despite the words of judgment that were written on it.

Later the vision returned over the city of Jerusalem right in the temple of God. Ezekiel was shown how fallen the leaders had become by witnessing their worship of false gods  and “ filling the land” with violence and bloodshed and injustice. As each of their sins was revealed the glory of the Lord slowly moved away. Firstly it moved from above the cherubim to the edge of the  temple. Then as more sin was revealed and judgment announced the glory moved to the East gate of the Lords house. Then as the spiritual leaders continued to “ …give wicked advice” the glory of the Lord departed completely from the temple then from the city of Jerusalem and finally stopped above the mountains east of the city. The presence of the Lord had been fully removed from the “ Holy place”.

To a true worshipper of Christ, the glory and presence and rule of the King of Kings is the central focus. Without the glory of God in our midst , without the light of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit we are just playing games. What determines this continuing presence is both a matter of “Amazing grace” and seeking to be holy at all times as he is holy. Jesus promises his presence to all those who walk in grace and truth and seek the lost. He reveals glimpses of his glory as we seek him in worship and prayer for who he is. He is close to the broken hearted and he does not despise a “broken and contrite heart” when we grieve over our sinful ways. Let us be grieved when the presence of the Lord seems to have moved away and seek him who is the lover of our soul knowing he is the greatest treasure of all. He will respond with grace and mercy and shine his glorious light yet again.


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